Monday, April 5, 2010

Tempe, Phoenix Real Estate News

Tempe Housing Improvement Program accepting pre-applications from residents

Pre-applications are being accepted for the Tempe's Housing Improvement Program. This program provides deferred or low-interest amortized loans to income-qualified homeowners to correct code violations, existing deficiencies or other hazardous conditions in their home.

To be eligible, the applicant must be a Tempe resident, the owner-occupant of the home to be rehabilitated and meet program income limit guidelines. Grants are also available for home modifications for persons with disabilities and/or emergency repairs that affect the health, life or safety of the occupants.

To request a pre-application, or for more information, contact the Tempe Housing Improvement Services Division at 480-858-2154 (TDD: 480-350-8913) or visit the office at 21 E. Sixth Street, Suite 214, Tempe, AZ 85281 (Tempe News room)

Tempe Honors Young People

Tempe Homes for Sale

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